Sunday, October 16, 2011

Book | 8 Novels Part I

This will be part one of four of my 8 Novels Saga. 

I really find time to read novels last semester even with my tight and busy schedule. Reading novels is like my guilty pleasure next to maybe.....eating and watching movies. So I've read 8 novels in a span of 5 months, reading in between breaks, free time, weekends or just read to kill time. The first 5 novels that kept my interest up to the last word were:

written by Michael Scott.

I've read all the 5 published books and I have blogged about the first book The Alchemyst, the second book was entitled The Magician and is pertaining to the antagonist of the series, Dr. John Dee, the third one, The Sorceress, referring to the wife of the immortal, Perenelle Flamel. The fourth installment entitled The Necromancer is Josh Newman being tricked by Dr. John Dee and the latest book which is The Warlock - the oath-breaker - of the title refers to a character who has made the biggest change, the biggest decision and acts out of character. And that is Niccolo Machiavelli. The final book which will have the title, The Enchantress will be released May next year. 

The series is all about the adventures of fifteen year old twins Sophie and Josh Newman who were one day a pair of normal American teenager working on their summer jobs and just in a snap had their views about the world and especially themselves changed. Every book unfolds a new story and gives us new characters to love and hate, as the series progresses, we can see the change in personality of the main characters especially the prophesised twin, Josh and Sophie as they fight through life and death to seek the truth, and save the world from total chaos and destruction against the Dark Elders. All these event happened because of one ancient book written by Abraham the Mage named The Codex. Which path will conquer at the end? Who will destroy or save the world? Silver or Gold?

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